Join the Sneeze Wees Club

and Take Control of Your Pelvic Health Today!


Are you tired of struggling with leaks, pelvic pain, or prolapse symptoms?

Are you ready to regain control of your pelvic health and get back to doing the things you love without worry or discomfort?

Look no further!

Welcome to the Sneeze Wees Club, a supportive community dedicated to helping women like you find relief, strength, and confidence.

Join the Sneeze Wees Club and get Pelvic Floor Confidence!

Why Join the Sneeze Wees Club?

Expert Guidance and Support:

As a member, you'll gain access to exclusive tips and advice every month, tailored to improving your pelvic floor health. No more guesswork - I'll guide you through effective techniques that go beyond traditional kegels to strengthen your core and alleviate pain and prolapse symptoms.

Monthly Q&A Sessions:

Have burning questions about pelvic health? Our monthly Q&A sessions offer you a chance to ask anything related to the topic. Get personalized answers from a seasoned professional, empowering you with the knowledge you need to take charge of your well-being.

Community and Camaraderie:

Dealing with pelvic health challenges can be isolating, but you don't have to face it alone. Join a community of like-minded women who understand what you're going through. Share your experiences, seek advice, and build connections in a safe, supportive space.

Time-Efficient and Convenient:

I understand how busy life can get, so I've designed the exercises and tips to be quick and easy to incorporate into your daily routine. With monthly updates and new things to try, you'll stay motivated and consistent, ensuring better results and improved pelvic health.

Preventative Care and Long-Term Benefits:

Whether you've been dealing with pelvic issues for years or want to safeguard against potential problems, the Sneeze Wees Club offers a proactive approach to pelvic health. Strengthening your core and pelvic floor now can prevent future complications and enhance your overall well-being.


Hi, I'm Sarah Parker, a proud mother of two and an experienced fitness instructor with over two decades of expertise

I suffered a prolapse after giving birth to my first child. Faced with minimal support and conflicting advice, I was simply told to choose between exercising or gaining weight, as both options were deemed problematic for my condition. Unsatisfied with this limited perspective, I decided to take matters into my own hands and look for my own solutions.

Over the last 15 years, I have been symptom free, steering clear of the predicted need for a hysterectomy once menopause arrived. My determination to find effective solutions inspired me to delve into various techniques, including Hypopressives, Pfilates, pelvic floor muscle training, and release techniques. Today, I love sharing my knowledge and expertise with hundreds of other women, guiding them on their paths towards better pelvic health.

In the Sneeze Wees Club, I aim to go beyond the standard kegel exercises. Every woman's body is unique, and addressing pelvic health requires personalized and practical approaches. Your membership will provide you with a toolbox of resources to choose from, ensuring you receive the individualized attention needed to meet your goals.

My whole-body approach to pelvic health empowers you not only to manage your condition but also to feel fitter and healthier overall!

Embrace a future of improved pelvic health and a stronger, more confident you. I look forward to welcoming you into the Sneeze Wees Club -  and a life free from pads, prolapse and pelvic pain!

Join Now for Just £15 per Month

Don't put off addressing your pelvic health any longer. With the founder members' special price of £12 per month, you'll have access to valuable resources, support, and expert guidance at an incredibly affordable rate. Take advantage of this limited-time offer and prioritize your well-being today.

How Long Have You Been Waiting? Act Now!

If you've been postponing seeking help for pelvic health, remember that it won't improve on its own. Don't let leaks, pain, or prolapse symptoms dictate your life. Together, we'll work towards making your pelvic health better and empower you to live your life to the fullest.

Join the Sneeze Wees Club today and experience:

  • Freedom: Move, exercise, and live confidently without the fear of leaks or discomfort.

  • Empowerment: Take control of your pelvic health through expert guidance and support.
  • Connection: Join a community of women who understand and support each other.
  • Convenience: Fit quick and effective exercises into your busy day with ease.
  • Long-Term Well-Being: Invest in your future by taking proactive steps towards a healthier pelvic floor.

Don't miss out on this no-brainer opportunity to transform your pelvic health and improve your quality of life.

Click the button below to join the Sneeze Wees Club now!

Join Now!

Feel better, move freely, and confidently enjoy the activities you love - all with the support of the Sneeze Wees Club.

Take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant you.

It gave me confidence in myself and my ability to recover.
I felt definite improvements in my core and pelvic floor throughout the membership. My tummy started to look more toned and I could see my baby belly start to shrink back. It also gave me confidence in myself and my ability to recover. I’ve learnt how to correctly exercise and strengthen my pelvic floor. Doing it correctly it definitely the key to recovery!
All the exercises are accessible and you can really feel them working.
I was so impressed by all the course materials and Sarah’s expert knowledge in this area. She is always willing to answer questions and explains things so clearly. All the exercises are accessible and you can really feel them working. I highly recommend this for anyone with concerns about their pelvic floor or just wanting to strengthen it to prevent problems in the future.
It's helped me regain confidence in my body
Before trying the programme I felt like my body was broken (after a traumatic birth) and that I'd never be able to get back to the activities I used to enjoy. It's helped me regain confidence in my body and get back that 'core connection'. My posture has improved and I feel more like myself than I have in ages. Sarah's expert guidance and the benefit of her extensive knowledge means you can be confident that she knows what she's doing. Finally, if you're worried about being embarrassed about these sorts of things - don't be. Sarah is approachable and supportive and she has built a wider community around her programmes that reflects these values.
My pelvic floor is better than it has been in years!
I have always loved running - it makes me feel great, physically and mentally. But after a tricky labour and birth my pelvic floor was a bit of a disaster and I couldn’t even manage the slowest of jogs without leaking. And then I came across Sarah's membership - it gives you a great variety of exercises, new things to try, and a really good balance of online material to use at your own pace. As a result, my pelvic floor is better than it has been in years, I’m back running again with confidence. As a bonus I’ve also improved my posture and am feeling more toned up all round. I can’t recommend this programme highly enough for anyone who wants to strengthen their pelvic floor and actually enjoy doing so rather than it just being a chore!
I feel more confident!
Thanks to the programme, I have a better understanding of how my pelvic floor works. I leak less during high impact exercise, I am more aware of where I carry tension and my tummy and thighs are more toned! And I feel more confident
I'm so glad I did it!
Initially I was a bit unsure if the membership was for me but I'm so glad I did it! I've learnt exercises and techniques I can build into my daily routine - helping to strengthen my pelvic floor and prevent future problems. Sarah is knowledgeable and supportive and always has great advice and answers to any questions that I have.